Integrity First Realty - Mary Newton

Let’s talk mortgage rates!

Let’s talk mortgage rates! 🏡📉 In today’s market, securing a good deal requires smart planning. Here are two key strategies to consider: 1. Mortgage Points: Paying some money upfront to your lender when closing on your home can lower your interest rate and save you money over time. 2. Adjustable Rate Mortgages (ARMs): Choosing an ARM can provide a lower interest rate at the beginning, which remains fixed for a few years before potentially changing. It offers flexibility if you anticipate rates may vary in the future. The key is making informed decisions. Consider your financial situation and what you think will happen with interest rates. With the right strategy, you can get a much better mortgage rate.


Want help navigating your options and finding the best fit for you?

Contact me today! 📲

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Mary Newton
📧[email protected]

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